Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Final Degree Show
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Degree show details!
F Block B3 & B4
Hanbury Street
Old Truman Brewery
91 Brick Lane
London E1 6QL
Friday 4th June - Monday 7th June, 10am-7pm every day
Click on the links below to find details of the Goldsmiths Degree Show 'Curious' - which is part of Free Range:
Free Range details and address
If you would like to attend the private view on Thursday 3rd June, please email me with your address so that I can send you an invitation.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Nub experiment 1
nub experiment from Rachel Cockburn on Vimeo.
I spent yesterday working on this - the first 14 seconds of a nub to explain my project. Today, I was working all day on my presentation for the assessment - the first rehearsal is on Friday, and I want to be as ready as possible so that I can get some good feedback.Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Monday, 10 May 2010
Friday, 7 May 2010
Scenario film process
Video process 1: Teacher workshop scenario from Rachel Cockburn on Vimeo.
Lastnight I took more photos to make a scenario film. I've been working on these today in Premiere - above is a completely unfinished version of the video - so you can see the process. It shows a user logging in to eat right, submitting a recipe, choosing to teach it, then receiving a phonecall from a member of eat right staff. The next scene shows her sharing the recipe with two members of her local community.
Yesterday I had a brilliant visit to see Loop.pH, who I worked for last summer. They gave me helpful advice about the presentation of my project that I intend to act on soon. I left the studio feeling very inspired! Thank you!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Mapped local shopping list

Monday, 3 May 2010
Refinement & missing pages

Friday, 30 April 2010
further web development / refinement

Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Catalogue photography & new london train line

Also, it gets me to uni in 45min for £1.80, instead of 1hr 30min!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010
returning to web work

Friday, 16 April 2010
Real food images and data collection

Since my last post, I have planned 3 days worth of seasonal, ethical, healthy, March meals (10 meals). I've bought the ingredients in local shops as much as possible, and mapped and photographed these shops. And then I've put my rusty maths skills to use, working out how much each meal costs per portion, nutritional information, etc. I've also made each meal, timed it, written out my own versions of the recipes, and tried to take good photographs of each one. I originally only allowed 2 days for data collection in my timetable - which is unrealistic. Luckily, it has been fairly simple to compile the data at the same time as working on the other elements of the project.

While collecting data, I've been working on the scenario films, and have been getting feedback on the website work that I did, ready to improve it next week. The films haven't gone to plan but I have allowed time for that so it shouldn't matter too much. I have planned two scenario films entirely - working out the sequences of photographs I need, etc - and a possible third. I came up with another 3 or 4 scenarios which would require additional data collection / real workshop scenes.
I've taken the photographs required for a couple of the sequences, however when working on them yesterday I realised that I need to have the finished pdf of my website in the background of each. It would be mad to go through all 80 or more images for each scene and replace the computer screen using photoshop! So I need to re-shoot these sequences once the web work is complete. I have got to grips with the basics of Premiere now, so it shouldn't take too much time to turn the photos into a film, once I have the right images.
For other scenes, I need to have the real data - i.e. a route around all the shops, on foot - which I have only just worked out! So both elements of the project have been more complicated than I planned for. Tomorrow I'll be taking more photographs for the scenario films.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
first pdf completed & saatchi

I've put some images here of a few of the pages.
I got some really helpful feedback on it from a friend, and I've sent it to my mentor to look over, but it would be great to get feedback from you as well - anything you think of, about the layout, the colours, the usability of it, etc.

I forgot to mention here that last week I went to see Richard Wilson's 20:50 at the Saatchi gallery. I've wanted to see this exhibition for years - since long before I lived in London - so I was excited to see that it would be returning to London again. It is in the basement of the gallery. The installation is basically a room filled with oil, with a path cut out into the centre. The reflection looks so realistic that my boyfriend (who had a cold and couldn't smell the oil!) thought it was just a room, and couldn't understand what I was looking at. I have to say that from photographs, I think it worked better when the Saatchi gallery was in City Hall - because the wooden panelled walls and windows were more interesting - but it was still a great experience to finally see it in public.

Saturday, 3 April 2010
aesthetic development and research

I tried different colour and outline combinations to start with.

Tomorrow, I want to work more on the layout of each page - I haven't actually counted how many pages there are to lay out yet, but I'll try to sort the layout for all of them. It would probably be sensible to do that with a master page, so that when I come to change the header or colours, I can do it in one go.
I still intend to meet the deadline I set, for sending a finished pdf of the entire site to Belinda (my mentor) by the end of tomorrow, to get her feedback. However, the pdf isn't going to be finished to the standard I'd hoped - it is a slow process.