After leaving this part of the project for a couple of weeks, I have really enjoyed coming back to it the past few days. I haven't received any feedback from my mentor yet, but I have some good constructive stuff from a couple of friends, so I used that as a starting point. I also looked at the elements of the pdf that I wasn't happy with previously.

As you can see, I have changed the header banner - I feel that it is significantly better than the previous one. I also tried putting the menu buttons at the top of the page layout - Although this does give me more space to play with, I think that I prefer the original layout.

Below, you can see I've added a hand written tag line to the 'eat right' title. Not 100% sure on the final wording of this yet, but I like the way it looks with the page.

Above you can see that I've also been putting the data I've collected into each page. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

I've been using a brilliant site called
walkit.com to work out the best route around all the shops, the distance, time, etc - as well as how long it would take to walk to the different restaurants above. As well as telling you the distance between two places in London (in miles, km and steps) and the best route between them, it also works out how long it would take to walk, how many calories you would burn, and how much carbon you've saved by walking!

Finally, above you can see the map I've created. Using the traced map of N1 that I created in February, I've made a map of the local area around me, and the route that would take me to all the local shops I need for the meal plan. This took ages but I'm quite pleased with the way it looks. I want to avoid using google maps for the website.
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