Yesterday I spent some time planning out final outcomes for both projects. This morning, I made a number of different interventions and put them into position around the site on Essex Road. The two above were removed by contractors working at the site, who told me I couldn't put them there!

The image above shows (L-R) an intervention in the window of a newsagent (£2 a week), an intervention stuck to a pedestrian crossing (asking people to stick their gum onto it to vote), and an intervention postcard stuck to a bus-stop. I put up six of the smaller cards and 4 of the larger.

Around six hours later, I came back to check my interventions. One of the pedestrian crossing posters had been removed, but two had also been voted on by people. And 21 people had voted with stickers on how they wanted the building used.

In addition, I had put an old phone number of mine on all the posters, and on the smaller cards that I put up. At the time of writing, I've received texts from five different people, telling me what they want the space to be used for! I didn't expect my interventions to be so successful.