Tuesday 3 November 2009

Mass research... but how can I get involved as a designer?

I started looking at Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall as I heard he campaigns against the kinds of issues I'm interested in - Healthy and ethical eating. His site lead me to lots of really interesting and helpful information...

October 7 2009, Damian Whitworth interviewing Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall:
Would he ever eat a supermarket pizza? “Well to be honest I wouldn’t eat anything from a supermarket.” His Chicken Out campaign highlighted the conditions in which chickens destined for supermarket shelves are reared and caused a rumpus.

Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall:
‘I believe our attitude to meat requires radical reform – both an alternative approach to meat production and a return to some of the older, more holistic values of meat cookery. But ultimately the only person who is going to effect any significant change in the way meat is produced, sold and cooked, is you, the consumer. So it’s you I’m after, and your habits I hope to change.’

Quote from Chicken Out website:
The slaughter process is also a serious welfare problem. Shackling by the legs is known to be painful and distressing for the birds and stunning in a water bath is too often ineffective (the struggling birds may raise their heads and miss the water) resulting in fully-conscious birds having their throats cut.

Organic Delivery Company (boxes of fruit and veg):
We stick by our ‘50/50 Philosophy’ - better for one of our drivers to deliver to 50 homes in geographical order, than for 50 people to head out to the shops. (Research by DEFRA shows that people travelling to the shops create a staggering 70% of all food miles).
Why worry about food miles, when we are the ones creating it?!!

Article in Mirror: Jamie Oliver wins battle to stop Sainsburys selling battery-farmed chickens
By Alun Palmer 6/08/2008

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