Wednesday, 7 April 2010

first pdf completed & saatchi

Yesterday I finally completed the pdf file showing every page of the website. It still needs more work doing to it - lots more - but I'm going to come back to it in a couple of weeks to improve it.
I've put some images here of a few of the pages.
I got some really helpful feedback on it from a friend, and I've sent it to my mentor to look over, but it would be great to get feedback from you as well - anything you think of, about the layout, the colours, the usability of it, etc.

Now what I'm doing is collecting and creating the real data and images needed. Most of the images in the pdf are from online sources and the text is mostly made up or guessed. So I need to sort that out now. I've written a list of all the data needed and how to get it - so now I am in the process of doing that.
I forgot to mention here that last week I went to see Richard Wilson's 20:50 at the Saatchi gallery. I've wanted to see this exhibition for years - since long before I lived in London - so I was excited to see that it would be returning to London again. It is in the basement of the gallery. The installation is basically a room filled with oil, with a path cut out into the centre. The reflection looks so realistic that my boyfriend (who had a cold and couldn't smell the oil!) thought it was just a room, and couldn't understand what I was looking at. I have to say that from photographs, I think it worked better when the Saatchi gallery was in City Hall - because the wooden panelled walls and windows were more interesting - but it was still a great experience to finally see it in public.

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